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Canadian Bureau for international education

choosing to be number two: representing and unlearning Canada in Taiwan

After visiting Taiwan with the Canadian delegation to the Youth Global Participation and Humanitarianism Seminar, I shared a story about how subverting national narratives may be a way into a more productive global conversation.

brent hillier: frontlines podcast

episode 5: what's in a name?

"When it come to mountain bike  trail names, which ones are just a joke and which ones are just plain offensive? And what does a trail name like "Squaw Hollow" say about our path to reconciliation? Are we preventing the sport of mountain biking from becoming more diverse and inclusive? Carrie Karsgaard is trail runner in Kelowna, BC and her Blog post, Trail Names Against Humanity, has seen a huge amount of attention and has highlighted a discussion that has needed to happen for a long time."

cbc news

jogger decries offensive mountain biking trail names in Kelowna

Trail names in the popular mountain biking area include 'Squaw Hollow', 'TheRapist' among others, as covered in Trail Names Against Humanity.

Click here for audio interview.